Posts tagged shadow worker
Are you reading the cards, or are your cards reading you?

Are you reading the cards, or are your cards reading you? If you feel burdened by the information you receive from the cards, you may be ready to learn how to act on that information.

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Another Shadow in the Court: Revisiting Significators, Court Cards, and Shadows

It’s time to look at the shadows of the court again, this time with the King of Pentacles and his love of life in the 4 of Wands. Sounds great, right? But not if it’s actually rooted in fear.

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Tarot Overload

I thought it would be fun to combine my recent interest with randomness and divination with the importance of asking questions about deep fundamentals and resolving competing messages.

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Tarot Spread: Why do I care so much about [this]?

As someone who cares about expertise and accuracy, I get triggered regularly online. I’ve learned to give fewer f*cks about it (for myself and others), but this spread offers useful reflection.

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Me and My Shadow, or Significators, Court Cards and Shadows

One of the easiest and quickest ways to learn some of the personalities behind the court cards is to start with your significator and then explore their shadows.

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