Posts tagged life coaching
Getting Into Alignment, or Four Years as the Solopreneur of a Capricorn When You’re Not a Capricorn

Hermit’s Mirror is a Capricorn. Are you surprised? When I pair the business’s energy with my own (as Thomas), there’s a beautiful synthesis that happens. Thomas of Hermit’s Mirror can get people climbing up their mountains.

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Why “Should I” is a Terrible Way to Start to a Tarot Reading for Yourself

One of the worst words to start a tarot question is should. I know. It’s easy to fall into, especially if you’re using tarot to try to achieve specific goals in your life (but yay you!).

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How a Reversed Ace Taught Me to Embrace Authentic Self-Investment

“… And it was all thanks to that reversed Ace of Pentacles.” That’s probably not a sentence you would expect to be related to a financial investment question. Yet it is. Sort of. Enjoy another story about transformation through tarot.

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When I Was So Desperate for Change I Only Saw One Side of the Cards

In preparation for Tarot to Transform Your Life, I want to give some examples from my own life of how desperation and alignment affect the way we read the cards and live our lives, even when the cards are “right.” First is a story of desperation.

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Analysis Paralysis and Tarot Overload

You know that feeling when you have a difficult decision to make or exciting area to explore, but you just don’t know where to start, so you turn to the tarot? But more information isn’t better information.

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