17 JUNE 2024

Everything has a place, but you might not have finalized it yet. Today is a day for imagining what could be and starting to put it all together. In everyday terms, this could mean rearranging and tidying up so that a space or scene functions the way you really want it to. In other practical ways, this kind of clean-up and future visioning could mean organizing your life differently: changing your daily schedule, introducing new routines, and creating structures that help you achieve your near- and long-term goals. It could also be a good time for raising energy through fantasy and imagination in a magical or spiritual sense, preparing for this week of the Full Moon and making sure that you cultivate all the energy you need while the Moon is still in its waxing phase. So get those ducks in a row at home and build your inner energetic mansion.

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Your oracle and tarot cards of the day

Today’s randomly pulled oracle card is supported by tarot and oracle cards determined by the numerology and astrology of the moment.

Oracle Guidance

Emily Brönte from the Literary Witches Oracle by Taisia Kitaiskaia and Katy Horan

Planetary Day

The High Priestess from the Smith-Waite Tarot

Numerical Day

The Star from the Life Line Tarot, Color Outside the Lines edition [OOP] by Thomas of Hermit’s Mirror (me)

Moon Sign

Death from the Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne

Numerical Week

The Bouquet from the Life Line Lenoracle by me

Astrological Decan

10 of Swords from the Smith-Waite Tarot

Sun Sign

The Lovers from the Robin Wood Tarot

Numerical Month

L’Amoureuxse from the Gay Marseille Tarot by Charlie Claire Burgess

Numerical Year

Strength from the Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne or Adjustment from the Thoth Tarot

Looking for more?

Schedule a reading with me or learn to read tarot, oracle, Kipper, Lenormand, and other systems for yourself with my courses in divination.

Join an upcoming workshop or venture into the wilderness of self-paced learning with my lantern and map to guide you.