Hermit's Mirror

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16 JUNE 2024

If any day says Pride Month, it’s today. Darling River Rose, featuring the pink triangle, is a card of integrity and of claiming the self. There are several cards in the Apothecary Spirits Oracle that speak to identity, but this one feels the most certain of self in the face of opposition and denial. Come what may, you are you. The Tower tears down all the excess and nonsense that doesn’t fit the real you, and it’s a fittingly violent image for the assertion of a core, unshakable self in the face of suppression. Fuck the haters today. See yourself as you truly are. Embrace that self. Love that self. Empower that self. The time for hiding it has passed. At the end of the day, no one has to accept you but you. So start there.

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Your oracle and tarot cards of the day

Today’s randomly pulled oracle card is supported by tarot and oracle cards determined by the numerology and astrology of the moment.

Oracle Guidance

Darling River Rose from the Apothecary Spirits Oracle by Eric Maille, Michael Anthony, and Thomas Witholt (me)

Planetary Day

The Sun from the Smith-Waite Tarot

Numerical Day

The Tower from the Life Line Tarot, Color Outside the Lines edition [OOP] by Thomas of Hermit’s Mirror (me)

Moon Sign

Justice from the Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne

Numerical Week

The Child from the Life Line Lenoracle by me

Astrological Decan

10 of Swords from the Smith-Waite Tarot

Sun Sign

The Lovers from the Robin Wood Tarot

Numerical Month

L’Amoureuxse from the Gay Marseille Tarot by Charlie Claire Burgess

Numerical Year

Strength from the Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne or Adjustment from the Thoth Tarot

Looking for more?

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